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GALAXY - Enterprise Intelligent Management Solution

Galay is a complete, co-ordinated data management and reporting platform for a brisk and efficient decision making, administration and management.

The same way as the galaxies in the universe, "Galaxy" represents an integrity of many objects in the form of data, hardware, software, automation, skilled professionals as the sustaining elements of the strong, growing and prospering firms - the bright stars of the universe - all of it bound by the gravity of logic, intelligence, common sense and mutual sustenance.

Telecom West has developped prominent technologies in the area of business intelligence:

To perceive how they truly perform, organizations need to look at the business from many prospectives. Data and reporting links people to the business, allows to view the detail in context and empowers strategic decisions, planning and projections.
Data Acquisition
Many sectors of the enterprise produce operational, sales, measurement and other data. The Galaxy system acquires the information * regardless of its origin or format. In real time, the data is then securely transmitted to central databases and made avialable for reporting. If required, the source data can be instantly displayed in textual or graphical format; also alerts, alarms and "flags" can be signalled instantaneously at local or remote locations.
Data Integrity
The Galaxy system interconnects with other vital sources of information (corporate databases, spreadsheets, operational data, accounting systems, suppliers, clients, service and data providers), and integrates all the data into a powerful, compact and harmonic system.
The integrated data creates a strong base for enhanced reporting with a multitude of capabilities and features. Galaxy reporting, which can be as high level or as detailed as required, is always presented in a simple, logical and neatly layout textual and/or graphical form. Reports are accessible to authenticated personnel at any time anywhere in the "connected" world.
Galaxy should be looked at as a customizable, open solution. This strategy provides ultimately unrestricted compatibility with most older, current and future applications and resolves so the costly "forklift" approach so often constrained in the industry.
Galaxy can be employed in any administrative or production environment. It also will successfully meet many academic and scientific demands.
Solution (not a package)
The IT industry persuades organizations to buy packages of hardware, software, maintenance, licences, support, upgrades, hire and train personnel and often even to pay royalties and user fees. Galaxy was designed to bring a solution that makes sense - sense in what it does, how, and at what cost. Therefore, none of the above applies to it. For as long as Galaxy is meaningful to your organization, Telecom West is standing behind at your service watching over your needs, providing optimal resolutions, including support and updates. For only a nominal monthly fee, we take care of all the work and the detail. You can focus on the "big picture".


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